How To Apologize Well


Learning how to apologize well is important for a leader, especially if you are going to have healthy relationships with those around you. Unless you are living in a cave away from every single human being, you are going to offend or hurt someone. It could be intentional or unintentional, yet that doesn’t matter. What does matter though is what we do next. Here are some things to keep in mind when you step out toward another person and apologize.

  1. Express genuine sorrow. It has got to be real. We all probably remember when one of our parents made us apologize to another kid or a sibling. We did it under duress. It didn’t mean anything, it became simply words. Fake, phony or contrived apologies won’t accomplish reconciliation or real healing.

  2. Acknowledge your guilt and your offense. Be specific. Name it. Don’t be general, say “I did X.”

  3. Name the impact. Communicate to that person your understanding of how what you did impacted that person. Remember…no excuses or shifting blame. Own it! And please don’t give a weaselly politician type apology, “Sorry “if” I…”.

  4. Suggest amends or restitution that are necessary to move forward.

Our relationships as leaders are important. And it is important for us to lead in humility and to make sure we are the first to own when we have offended or hurt those around us either in the commission or omission of our words and actions.

Photo by Lina Trochez on Unsplash

LeadershipBill Reichart